Sporting Grants

Bruce Wake Charitable Trust

Sporting / leisure grants for wheelchair users

Provides grants for sporting or leisure activities for physically disabled wheelchair users.

Dickie Bird Foundation

Sporting grants for disadvantaged children

The vision of the Foundation is to assist young people under 16 years of age to participate, to the best of their ability, in the sport of their choice irrespective of their social circumstances, culture or ethnicity and to ensure that, in doing so, they improve their chances both inside and outside sport.

Grants of upto £500 can be awarded to disadvantaged children aged under 16 for essential sports equipment and clothing.


Sporting and recreatrional grants for young people with disabilities

READY is a charity that provides grants to individual young people and groups of young people with disabilities up to the age of 21. Consideration is given to applications to fund or part fund sports equipment or access to sport and healthy recreational activities for fun and fitness.

Wheel Rights Fund

Grants to help those who have an acquired spinal cord injury stay active and take part in sports

The fund is available to anyone who has acquired a spinal cord injury within the past five years. You can apply for any equipment or activities to help you stay active, get active, or help you achieve your sporting potential. Most grants will be made in the range of £100 to £1000.